The following section describes how to configure Image Mover. Image Mover pushes up item images from the client's server to their e-commerce site.
CP Extender folder on client server
CP SQL Database name
Microsoft SQL admin credentials(username and password) with CP database access
BigCommerce or Magento API info(URL, BC Store Hash/Client ID/Token or MG Store View/Token.)
First you need to configure Settings on the CPExtender web config file.
1. Right-click RR_CPExtensionService.exe config file.
2. Open file with Notepad ++, or Notepad.
3. Set "CP_IMAGE_SERVICE_ENABLED" value to true.
4. Paste in CP SQL Database name for "CP_IMAGE_CP_ALIAS" value.
5. Paste in CP Item Images folder location for CP_IMAGE_ITEM_DIRECTORY value.
6. Paste in CP Customer Images folder location for CP_IMAGE_CUSTOMER_DIRECTORY value.
7. Type in MG(Magento) or BC(Bigcommerce) for "CP_IMAGE_POSTSYSTEM" value.
8. Type Magento site URL or{{StoreHash}} for CP_IMAGE_POSTURL).
9. If configuring BigCommerce, paste client's BC store hash for "CP_IMAGE_BC_StoreHash" value.
10. If configuring BigCommerce, paste client's BC client ID for "CP_IMAGE_BC_ClientID" value.
11. If configuring BigCommerce, paste client's BC token for "CP_IMAGE_BC_AuthToken" value.
12. If configuring Magento, Type in client's MG store view for"CP_IMAGE_MG_Storeview" value.
13. If configuring Magento, Type in client's MG token for "CP_IMAGE_MG_BearerToken" value.
11. Save and close file.
Next, you need run The "ImageMoverTableCreationQuery" file on SQL server.
1. Paste the following link into a web browser (
2. Select "Download" button.
3. Navigate to Windows search box.
4. Search studio.
5. Select "Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
6. Log in with admin creditentals(username and password).
7. Navigate to CP database(example TestGolf).
8. Open the "Tables Folder" and highlight one of the .dbo tables.
9. Select the "File" tab.
10. Navigate to "Open".
11. Select "File".
12. Navigate to and select the ImageMoverTableCreationQuery file.
13. Click "Open".
14. Select Execute.
15. You should see the creation of the Image Mover SQL tables.