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BigCommerce Transactions

Transferring data related to Transactions

Updated over a week ago


Transactions in are mapped to Orders in BigCommerce. In addition to supporting conventional Orders from BigCommerce, the integration is configured to import orders as deposit tickets and returns as well. There is special handling for different types of payments, especially gift cards. When a order is refunded in BC as the result of a return, pulls that data into via the refund mapping collection below.


Orders from BigCommerce are matched on the BigCommerce order number, which is imported as the Transaction Number in Tickets and associated items are appended with "-D" to differentiate them.

Transaction Custom Fields

BigCommerce Custom Fields supports BigCommerce custom fields in the following modules:

  • Order

  • Order Product Custom Fields



Transaction Line

Original SKU

Transaction Line


Transactions TO

Webhooks (External)

In order to enable Transaction data to flow TO, the following external webhooks need to be enabled:

  • store/order/created

  • store/order/updated

Data Mapping


  1. The names of the following sections are the mapping collection names in

  2. Some mapping collections have mappings that need to be updated. Those are denoted by a *

  3. Some mapping collections have Lookup Translations that should be reviewed. Those are denoted by a ⁺

  4. Some mapping collections have mapping or error filters that need to be updated. Those are denoted by a º

BC B2B Quote Header Add To iPaaS

BC B2B functionality allows for quotes to be created for B2B customers to review and approve. Some users may want to pull these down to represent a deal in another system and/or allocate inventory for those items based on the deal stage.


  • If your destination system(s) is not using quotes and/or not using BigCOmemrce B2B Edition, these mappings can be deleted.

  • Ensure the notes and legal terms are configured for the right level of access in destination systems and be aware that anyone who has access may be able to read them.

This mapping collection has the following sub-mapping collections:

  • BC B2B Quote Line To iPaaS

  • BC B2B Quote Shipping Address Add To iPaaS

  • BC B2B Quote Notes Add To iPaaS

  • BC B2B Quote Legal Terms Add To iPaaS

  • BC B2B Quote Billing Address Add To iPaaS

BC Deposit Ticket To iPaaS*⁺

Tickets are designed to be sent along to an ERP to be used in various accounting systems.


  • If your destination system(s) is not using Tickets these mappings can be deleted.

  • Different payment types require different mappings as the data that comes through is not consistent. Please consult your MiSP if you use a payment type not listed here to ensure it does not need a separate mapping sub-collection.

This mapping collection has the following sub-mapping collections:

  • BC Deposit Ticket - CC Payment To iPaaS

  • BC Deposit Ticket - GC Payment To iPaaS

  • BC Deposit Ticket - Line To iPaaS

  • BC Deposit Ticket - Billing Address To iPaaS

  • BC Deposit Ticket - Shipping Address To iPaaS⁺

  • BC Deposit Ticket - Paypal To iPaaS

  • BC Deposit Ticket - Test Payment Gateway To iPaaS

  • BC Deposit Ticket - Check Payment To iPaaS

BC Gift Card Ticket To iPaaS*⁺

Tickets are designed to be sent along to an ERP to be used in various different accounting systems. Gift card tickets have special handling in order to ensure the value of the gift card stays consistent across channels.


  • If your destination system is not using Tickets these mappings can be deleted.

  • If you do not transact in gift cards in BC these mappings can be deleted.

  • The collection filters out all non-gift card orders from BC.

  • Several of the mappings need to be reviewed to ensure they are correctly configured for B2B and/or B2C mappings.

This mapping collection has the following sub-mapping collections:

  • BC Gift Card Ticket - GC Line To IPaaS

  • BC Gift Card Ticket - CC Payment To IPaaS

  • BC Gift Card Ticket - Billing Address To IPaaS

  • BC Gift Card Ticket - Tax To IPaaS

  • BC Gift Card Ticket - Paypal To IPaaS

  • BC Gift Card Ticket - Test Payment Gateway To IPaaS

  • BC Gift Card Ticket - Check Payment To IPaaS

BC Order Header Add To iPaaS*⁺

Order headers bring over the critical and dependent information needed to generate a Transaction in from an order in BC. As shown below, there are a variety of collections to process different types of payments.


  • Ensure the notes are configured for the right level of access in destination systems and be aware that anyone who has access may be able to read them.

  • Different payment types require different mappings as the data that comes through is not consistent. Please consult your MiSP if you use a payment type not listed here to ensure it does not need a separate mapping sub-collection.

This mapping collection has the following sub-mapping collections:

  • BC Order Line To iPaaS

    • BC Order Line Per Item Discount To iPaaS

  • BC Order Tax To iPaaS

  • BC Order Billing Address To iPaaS

  • BC Order Shipping Address To iPaaS⁺

  • BC Order Staff Note To iPaaS

  • BC Order Customer Note To iPaaS

  • BC Order Payment - CreditCard\ApplePay To iPaaS

  • BC Order Payment - Test Payment Gateway To iPaaS

  • BC Order Payment - Paypal To iPaaS

  • BC Order Payment - Gift Card To iPaaS

  • BC Transaction Discount To iPaaS

  • BC Automatic Header Promo Discount To iPaaS

  • BC Order Payment - Check To iPaaS

BC Order Header Update To iPaaS*⁺

Used to update the order if a change happens in BigCommerce inclusive of notes added on the transaction and changes to the payment method authorization.


  • Ensure the notes are configured for the right level of access in destination systems and be aware that anyone who has access may be able to read them.

This mapping collection has the following sub-mapping collections:

  • BC Order Payment - CreditCard\ApplePay Update To iPaaS

  • BC Order Payment - Paypal Update To iPaaS

  • BC Order Payment - Test Payment Gateway Update To iPaaS

  • BC Order Staff Note Update To iPaaS

  • BC Order Customer Note Update To IPaaS

  • BC Order Payment - Check Update To IPaaS

BC Refund Add To iPaaS*

When there is a refund in BigCommerce (assuming the corresponding webhook is turned on) the following mappings come into play.


  • Different payment types (and associated refunds for that payment type) require different mappings as the data that comes through is not consistent. Please consult your MiSP if you use a payment type not listed here to ensure it does not need a separate mapping sub-collection.

  • pulls in shipping and billing addresses used for a refund. Should you want to ensure that these do not change, please consult your MiSP.

This mapping collection has the following sub-mapping collections:

  • BC Refund Line To iPaaS

  • BC Refund Payment To iPaaS - Credit Card

  • BC Refund Payment To iPaaS - PayPal

  • BC Refund Payment To iPaaS - Test Payment Gateway

  • BC Refund Billing Address To iPaaS

  • BC Refund Shipping Address To iPaaS⁺

  • BC Refund Payment To iPaaS - Check

Transactions FROM

Webhooks (Internal)

In order to enable Transaction data to flow FROM, the following internal webhooks need to be enabled:

  • transaction/created

  • transaction/updated

  • transaction/tracking/created

  • transaction/tracking/updated

BC Shipment From iPaaS

This is used to send a tracking number to BC and associate it with the line item(s).

This mapping collection has the following sub-mapping collections:

  • BC Shipment Tracking from iPaaS

BC Transaction Add From iPaaS

Allows transactions created in third-party systems to be added to BC.


  • Importing shipping addresses and methods is not currently supported.

This mapping collection has the following sub-mapping collections:

  • BC Transaction Line Add From iPaaS

  • BC Transaction Billing Address Add From iPaaS

BC Transaction Update From iPaas

Used to update a transaction in BC from


  • Updating shipping addresses and methods is not currently supported.

This mapping collection has the following sub-mapping collections:

  • BC Transaction Line Update From IPaaS

  • BC Transaction Billing Address Update From IPaaS

Custom Functions

Product Modifiers on Line Items

Products will need to be created with the modifiers in order for this functionality to work. Please see how to set that up when sending products to BigCommerce here.

Creating Custom Fields

Since these are custom fields in BigCommmerce, in order to utilize them in mappings they need to be added as custom fields in the BigCommerce Subscription (Subscription Management > Subscriptions > BigCommerce > Custom Fields).

The name given to the Custom Field will be the name assigned to the Modifier Display Name in BC and the module should be BC Order Product.


Map those custom fields to data fields on Transaction Lines MappingCollection. In the example below, the BigCommerce Modifier “Shipment Date” is mapped to a custom field named “ShipmentDate”.

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