Subscription Settings
This is for a sample subscription, but each subscription has unique settings. Please refer to the documentation for that subscription for specifics.
Name: The name the user gives the subscription. Important if you have multiple subscriptions for the same application (i.e. 2 separate Magento stores connected to
Versions: Some (but not all) subscriptions have different versions to choose from. Please reference the subscription documentation.
API URL: The API URL provided by the external application.
API Key: The API Key provided by the external application.
Settings: Some subscriptions have additional settings and configurations located here. May be hidden if not settings have been defined by the integration developer.
Throttling Settings
API Throttle Limit: The throttle limit for calls to be set for the external system.
API Throttle Seconds: The throttle limit in seconds for the external system.
API Throttle Limit (to iPaaS): The throttle limit for calls to be set for
API Throttle Seconds (to iPaaS): The throttle limit in seconds for
Concurrent Connections: The limit of concurrent connections.
Webhook API Key: Generated by to allow to accept webhooks.
Initialize Data
Initialization allows you to pull in or push out all values for a given data type. This is created at the integration level. Click on these to push out or pull in all values for that given data type.