Export Mappings: Allows users to create an export of their data.
Scheduling Exports: These can be scheduled by using the events functionality by using the Event Type of Scheduled and the Name of the Events is Interval.
Export Translation: A utility to translate certain types of data to be then leveraged in the export mapping.
Note: does not provide a FTP service so the customer will need to provide this.
Search: Search or filter for the desired custom field.
Add New Export Mapping Collection: Create a new mapping collection.
Export Translation: See next section in this course.
Active/Inactive: Change to see inactive or active exports.
Type: The data module or child that this export is associated with.
Name: Name for export mapping collection.
Count: The number of fields in that export.
Edit: Edit the export mapping collection.
Delete: Deactivate this export mapping.
Export: Run this export now.
Add New Export Mapping Collection
Name: The name the user gives the eport mapping collection.
File Name: The file name for the export.
Description: A description the user can give the export.
Filter: A filter in C# that can be used to filter out results.
Export Type: This can be one of CSV, JSON or XML.
Upload Type: This export can be placed on an external FTP Active, FTP Passive, FTPS, FTPES, SFTP or SFTP Key.
Type: Select a data model that will include all children.
Sort Order: Defines where this will show in the list. The lower the number the higher it will live in the list.
Send Success Email: Should the system send an email if the export is successful?
Success Email Dropdown: Will show emails that have been created and have this email type set.
Send Fail Email: Should the system send an email if the export fails?
Fail Email Dropdown: Will show emails that have been created and have this email type set.
Note: Once you save you can edit for additional fields and mapping (see below).
Edit Export Mapping
Name: The name the user gives the eport mapping collection.
File Name: The file name for the export.
Export Type: This can be one of CSV, JSON or XML.
Upload Type: This export can be placed on an external FTP Active, FTP Passive, FTPS, FTPES, SFTP or SFTP Key.
Host Name: The host name for the FTP.
Port: The port for the FTP.
User Name: The username for the FTP.
Password: The Password for the FTP.
Sort Order: Defines where this will show in the list. The lower the number the higher it will live in the list.
Type: Select a data model that will include all children.
Send Success Email: Should the system send an email if the export is successful?
Success Email Dropdown: Emails that have been configured under the Email Templates with a type of Export.
Send Fail Email: Should the system send an email if the export fails?
Fail Email Dropdown: Emails that have been configured under the Email Templates with a type of Export.
Additional Fields
Filter: A filter in C# that can be used to filter out results.
Description: A description the user can give the export.
Last Run Start Date: When the last export started.
Last Run End Date: When the last export completed.
Last Run Status & Message: The status of the last export.
Export: Run an export now.
Quick Add: Allows a user to to add a new mapping with limited fields.
Add New Mapping: Allows users to add a new field in the new field modal. (see next page)
Mapping Type: One of Field, Field With Default, Static, Lookup Translation, Dynamic Formula.
Source: The source field for the data.
Destination: Column heading in the export.
Edit: Edit the mapping.
Note: A note about the mapping. Useful for documenting out a dynamic formula.
Delete: Delete the mapping.
Export Mapping Types
Types: To see these fields, field is selected.
Destination: Name of the field column in the export.
Source: Choose if this data will be in a field or custom field.
Field Selection for Source: Visible fields are based on the type (which pulls from the data model).
Types: To see these fields, field with default is selected.
Destination: Name of the field column in the export.
Source: Choose if this data will be in a field or custom field.
Field Selection for Source: Visible fields are based on the type (which pulls from the data model).
Default: Allows for a default value to be passed in if the source data is not present.
Types: To see these fields, static is selected.
Destination: Name of the field column in the export.
Source: Used to specify a static value to add to the destination field.
Lookup Translation
Types: To see these fields, lookup translation is selected.
Destination: Name of the field column in the export.
Lookup Collection: Select the lookup translation to reference for this field (see next below).
Dynamic Formulas
Types: To see these fields, dynamic formula is selected.
Destination: Name of the field column in the export.
Source: Used for C# to specify a formula to add to the destination field.
Export Translation Collections
Add New Export Translation Collection: Create a new export translation collection.
Active/Inactive: Change to see inactive or active exports.
Name: The name the user gives the translation collection.
Type: Select a data model (or children).
Sort Order: Defines where this will show in the list. The lower the number the higher it will live in the list.
Destination Name: The column heading in the resulting CSV for this data.
Source: Choose if this data will be in a field or custom field.
Field Selection for Source: Visible fields are based on the type (which pulls from the data model).