All communication with CP Extender will be made using a BaseUrl and in some cases a port. The notation in this will use properties {{BaseUrl}} and {{Port}} to reflect these settings. You will need to retrieve these from the customer before connecting.
A bearer token is required to access most endpoints. Where this is required, it is noted by each end-point. Please obtain your login credentials to retrieve a bearer token from the API.
Permanent Bearer Tokens can be assigned, but not requested during login.
Throughout this documentation you will find references to Controllers, Methods, and Parameters which will be appended to the BaseUrl and Port using this format.
Required Headers
All requests are required to have the content-type header set to application/json.
Methods that are marked Bearer for security are required to have the Authorization header as shown below.
Content-Type : application/json
Authorization : Bearer {{bearer token}}
/Product Detail
/Product Variant Detail
/BalanceCheck (Include History?)
Controller: Connection |
Method: Connection/Status
Security: No Auth
Type: GET
URL: https://{{BaseUrl}}:{{Port}}/Connection/Status
Response: Http Status 200
{ "Status": "Ok", "GlobalDefaults": { "eCommerceControlDefaults": { "StrId": "99", "DrwId": "99" }, "installationSettings": { "UsrId": "Z", "MgGcProductType": "giftvoucher", "CpGcItemNo": "GIFTCARD" } } }
Method: Connection/GetVersion
Security: No Auth
Type: GET
URL: https://{{BaseUrl}}:{{Port}}/Connection/GetVersion
Response: HTTP Status 200
Response Body:
{ "Version": "" }
Controller: SSO |
Method: SSO/Login
Security: No Auth
Type: POST
URL: https://{{BaseUrl}}:{{Port}}/SSO/Login
Request Body:
{ "UserName":"Username", "Password":"pw" }
Response: HTTP Status 200
Response Body:
{ "APItoken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1bmlxdWVfbmFtZSI6IkFsYWJhbWFPdXRkb29ycyIsIm5iZiI6MTU4MjY1NjODI2NTYxMDh9.tn7PsSubicjd_ITmwhRRCGh_vv-jLJQhaopPfluyUjc" }