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CP Extender: Loyalty Methods

Use CP Extender to communicate Loyalty points

Updated over 4 months ago

Controller: Loyalty


Method: Loyalty/Earn

Security: Bearer

Type: POST

Request Body:




"Reason":"Facebook Share",



Loyalty Point Earnings can be issued for any earning event type.

Response: HTTP Status 204


400 Bad Request

401 Not Authorized

404 CustomerNumber Not Found

500 Internal Server Error


Method: Loyalty/BalanceCheck

Parameters: {{id}}

Security: Bearer

Type: GET

URL: https://{{BaseUrl}}:{{Port}}/Loyalty/{{id}}/BalanceCheck

Optional Request Body:


"startDate": "01/01/2019 10:15:00.000",

"endDate": "07/03/2020 22:15:00.000"


startDate will default to -1 year if not provided

endDate will default to now if not provided

* All dates use UTC

Response: HTTP Status 200

Response Body:

"Loyalty": {
"CustomerNumber": "CPOL-123185",
"ProgramName": "Loyalty program 1",
"EarningDescription": "Return Listing of CP Earning Rule Descriptions",
"RedemptionDescription": "Return Listing of CP Redemption Rule Descriptions",
"Status": "active",
"PointBalance": 1504,
"OpenAuthorizations": 1000,
"PendingPointsEarned": 0,
"AvailablePointBalance": 504,
"History": [
"Activity": "Historical Summary",
"Date": "11/29/2015",
"PointAmount": 1404
"Date": "07/02/2020",
"PointAmount": 100,
"Document": "123456789",
"Reason": "Facebook Share"
"Activity": "Pending Charge",
"Date": "07/02/2020",
"PointAmount": 1000,
"Location": "Web Order",
"Document": "WB-101-10444"


401 Not Authorized

404 Id not found

500 Internal Server Error


Method: Loyalty/Authorize

Security: Bearer

Type: POST

URL: https://{{BaseUrl}}:{{Port}}/Loyalty/Authorize

Request Body:


Response: HTTP Status 200

Response Body:



400 Required: Type, Ref, SaleId, and (RequestedAmount or RequestedPoints)

400 Type is not valid

400 No Balance Remaining

400 Not enrolled in Loyalty

401 Not Authorized

500 Internal Server Error


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