Reporting: Allows the user to view reporting stats
Complete Authorization: Allow the user to call the AuthorizationComplete endpoint in the webhook API to complete the OAuth validation process.
Integrator User: Allows the integrator to upload dlls in the staging environment
Integration Version: Defines access level to the Integration Version
Integration Marketing Info: Defines access level to the Integration Marketing Info
Integration Feature Support: Defines access level to the Integration Feature Support
Integration Register: Defines access level to the Integration Register
Integration Approval: Defines access level to the Integration Approval
Integration: Defines access level to the Integration
Company Plan: Defines access level to the Company Plans
Invoice: Defines access level to the Invoices
Integration Table: Defines access level to the Integration Tables
Integration Field: Defines access level to the Integration Fields
Integration Preset: Defines access level to the Integration Presets
Integration Scope: Defines access level to the Integration Scopes
Integration Category: Defines access level to the Integration Categories
Message: Defines access level to the Message
Message Custom Field: Defines access level to the Message Custom Fields
NOTE: These are primarily for integrators.