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Role Management - Data Management
Role Management - Data Management

Permissions list for Data Management

Updated over a week ago
  • Product: Defines access level to the Catalog of Products

  • Product Category: Set access level to Product Categories

  • Product Inventory: Allows the user to view/modify the Product Inventory available

  • Product Variant Inventory: Allows the user to view/modify the Inventory of Product Variants

  • Location: Defines access level to Locations of inventory

  • Product Variant: Set access level to the different Variants of Products available

  • Customer: Allows the user to view/modify Customers

  • Customer Address: Allows the user to view/modify Customer Addresses

  • Customer Category: Allows the user to view/modify Customer Categories

  • Custom Field: Defines access level to custom fields, where fields can be customized for tables within different systems

  • Customer Custom Field: Set access level to Customer Custom Fields

  • Product Custom Field: Set access level to Product Custom Fields

  • External Id: Access level for External Ids, or the unique Id's given to items within different systems

  • Transaction Custom Field: Set access level to Transaction Custom Fields

  • Lookup: Set access level to the Lookup Table, where users can look up tables, fields, or values by system type or collection type

  • Transaction: Allows the user to view/modify Transactions, or orders

  • Payment Method: Allows the user to view/modify Payment Methods

  • Shipping Method: Allows the user to view/modify Shipping Methods

  • Gift Card: Allows the user to view/modify Gift Cards

  • Gift Card Custom Field: Set access level to Gift Card Custom Fields

  • Alternate Id Type: Define access level for Alternate Id Types, which allows users to view, modify, and add an Alternate Id Type

  • Product Alternate Id: Define access level for Product Alternate Ids, which allows users to view, modify, and add a Product Alternate Id

  • Product Variant Alternate Id: Define access level for Product Variant Alternate Ids, which allows users to view, modify, and add a Product Variant Alternate Id

  • Product Kit: Allow the user to view/modify Product Kits

  • Product Variant Kit: Allow the user to view/modify Product Variant Kits

  • Product Category Set: Allow the user to view/modify Product Category Sets

  • Product Option: Allow the user to view/modify product options

  • Product Unit: Allow the user to view/modify product units

  • Product Variant Option: Allow the user to view/modify product variant options

  • Product Variant Unit: Allow the user to view/modify product variant units

  • Related Product: Allow the user to view/modify related products

  • Product Variant Related: Allow the user to view/modify product variant related products

  • Employee: Defines access level to the Employee

  • Employee Address: Defines access level to the Employee Address

  • Employee Custom Field: Defines access level to the Employee and Timesheet Custom Fields

  • Timesheet: Defines access level to the Timesheet

  • Timesheet Entry: Defines access level to the Timesheet Entry

  • Employee Custom Field: Defines access level to the Employee and Timesheet Custom Fields

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