Search: Search and filter the active subscriptions.
Search Certified Integration Marketplace & Subscribe: Go to the marketplace and subscribe to a new integration.
Import: Allows you to import settings for an integration from an export.
Filter: Allows user to see inactive subscriptions.
Subscriptions List
Name: The name of the subscription
Status: Is the integration active or inactive.
Actions: Ways to alter and customize the subscription (see below).
Edit: Edit the integration including the name and API settings. Also contains triggers to initialize data.
Connected Applications and Extensions: An extension in the third party application that is connected to iPaaS.com allowing the third party application to display iPaaS.com data so that it appears native to that application.
Custom Fields: Define the custom fields for the integration.
Webhooks (Internal): Turn on and off Webhooks that are triggered for data going from iPaaS.com to an external system.
Webhooks (External): Turn on and off Webhooks that are triggered for data going from an external system to iPaaS.com.
Manage Mappings: Manage the mapping collections for this subscription.
Manage Translations: Manage the translations for this subscription.
Delete: Makes a subscription inactive.
View Details & Export: Generates a report of all settings for the subscription and allows the user to export these settings to be imported later.