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MiSP Dashboard

Getting a 10,000 foot overview of the client's you service

Updated over 3 months ago

The MiSP Dashboard is the MiSP's Introduction to the subscribers they are connected to and what is going on in their accounts.


  • Restricted subscriber: A subscriber who has not granted you enough access to see the statistics across their account.

  • Unrestricted Subscriber: A subscriber who has granted you enough access to see the statistics across their account.

Dashboard Sections and Overview

1. Statistics

Showing you at a high level the aggregate statistics across the accounts you service.

  1. Subscribers: Number of subscribers the MiSP is servicing.

  2. Errors: The aggregate number of errors in the time period selected under filtering across unrestricted subscribers.

  3. Integrations: The aggregate number of integrations across your unrestricted subscribers.

  4. Number of hooks: The aggregate number of hooks in the time period selected under filtering across unrestricted subscribers.

2. Restricted Subscribers and Filters

This gives you quick information about subscribers who have not given you adequate access and filters on the statistics block.

Overview (not shown)

This gives you information about the permissions required to have the data about your subscribers feed into the dashboard. The permissions need to be on at least one role share.

These include:

  • Role

  • Administer Customer

  • Subscriber Reporting

  • Subscriber Subscriptions

  • Subscriber Error

Restricted Subscribers

If there are any subscribers that have not granted you these permissions you can see the list of permissions not granted here. From this view you can click the plus sign to request a role share with these permissions.


Allows you to filter by the following date ranges to see the data on your dashboard:

  • Today

  • Current Week

  • Current Month

3. Summary

Detailed subscriber-level view of your statistics.

  • Subscriber Name: The name of the subscriber company

  • Total Integrations: The integrations subscribed to by that subscriber

  • Current Errors: The number of current errors for that subscriber

  • Historical errors: The number of errors in the time period defined by the filter

  • Total Hooks: The total hooks in the time period defined by the filter

  • Errors as a % of Total Hooks: The percentage of time a hook resulted in an error in the time period defined by the filter

3. MiSP Requests

Open requests where a subscriber has requested you as a MiSP that you have not responded to.

Click on the accept or reject icons to take action on the request.

4. Role Share Requests

Open requests for role shares that a subscriber has not responded to. You can see the customer name, role requested and status.

Click on the delete button to revoke the request.

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