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Customer Companies

Use to transfer data about companies

Updated over a month ago

Note: These are called Customer Companies to distinguish them from Companies.

Core Customer Company Record and Collections - Layout

  1. Core Customer Company Record: Add or edit the company’s information.

  2. Customer (Company) Categories: Can contain one or many categories.

  3. Addresses: Can contain one or many company addresses. Addresses can be designated as primary shipping, primary billing, or both. Useful for data about shiptos and billltos.

  4. Custom Fields: Add values for custom fields that have already been defined under the custom fields data model.

  5. External IDs: The external ID(s) of this record.

Details for each are included below.

Core Customer Record - Edit/Add

  1. Name: The company name.

  2. Description: A description of the company.

  3. Email Address: The main email address of the company if one exists.

  4. URL: The website of the company.

  5. Account Number: Your account number for the company.

  6. Tax ID Number: The tax ID number for the company.

  7. Phone Number: The primary phone number for the company.

  8. Fax Number: The primary fax number for the company.

Category Collection - Edit/Add

This references existing categories created in the Customer Categories data type. Note that both Customers and Customer Companies use the same category type.

  1. Add Category*: Use the dropdown to select the category to be added.

Address Collection - Add

  1. First Name*: First name for the contact on the company address.

  2. Last Name*: Last name for the contact on the company address.

  3. Company: Company name for the customer on the address. Can be used for a subsidiary or location name,

  4. Phone Number: Phone number for the address.

  5. Address 1*: Primary street address for the address.

  6. Address 2: Secondary street address for the address (building, suite, etc).

  7. City*: City for the address.

  8. State*: State for the address.

  9. Country*: The country for the address.

  10. Zip Code*: Zip code for the address.

  11. Primary Billing: Is this the primary billing address for this company.

  12. Primary Shipping: Is this the primary shipping address for this company.

Note: This form expands out from the right on the core customer record.

Address Collection - Edit

  1. First Name*: First name for the contact on the company address.

  2. Last Name*: Last name for the contact on the company address.

  3. Company: Company name for the customer on the address. Can be used for a subsidiary or location name,

  4. Phone Number: Phone number for the address.

  5. Address 1*: Primary street address for the address.

  6. Address 2: Secondary street address for the address (building, suite, etc).

  7. City*: City for the address.

  8. State*: State for the address.

  9. Country*: The country for the address.

  10. Zip Code*: Zip code for the address.

  11. Primary Billing: Is this the primary billing address for this company.

  12. Primary Shipping: Is this the primary shipping address for this company.

  13. Custom Fields: Collection of the address record (grandchild collection of the customer company record).

  14. External IDS: Collection of External IDs of the address (grandchild collection of the customer company record).

Customer Company Relationships - Add


  1. Relationships are unidirectional: If a relationship is on a company, there may or may not be a relationship on the corresponding record depending on how mapping collections are setup.

  2. Related to field is not enforced: This allows this to be related to any object either within or outside of It also means that this record has no knowledge if this object exists or not.

Please see the documentation for the specific subscriptions you are using in order to determine how this can work for your specific setup or consult with your MiSP.

  1. Start Date: When did/will this relationship start.

  2. End Date: When did/will this relationship end.

  3. Related To: What object is this related to.

  4. Type: What type of relationship is this (employee, customer, etc)

Customer Company Relationships - Edit

  1. Start Date: When did/will this relationship start.

  2. End Date: When did/will this relationship end.

  3. Related To: What object is this related to.

  4. Type: What type of relationship is this (employee, customer, etc).

  5. Custom Fields: Collection of the relationship record.

  6. External IDS: Collection of External IDs of the relationship.

Custom Fields Collection - Add/Edit

  1. Key*: Values for custom fields that have already been defined under the custom fields data model. Select one from the dropdown.

  2. Value*: The value for this custom field for this address record.

External ID Collection - Add/Edit

  1. External ID*: The ID for this address in an external connected system.

  2. External System*: The connected system with this ID for this address record.

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