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Data Management
19 articles
OverviewData Management High Level Overview
Navigating and Understanding Data ModelsCommon attributes and features of data types
Alternate IDDefine different product ID types
Custom FieldsDefine custom fields to use in
CustomersUnify your customers' data across the enterprise
Customer CategoriesDefine the way your business categorizes customers across your systems
Customer CompaniesUse to transfer data about companies
EmployeeDefine employees that work for your company and map them to multiple systems
Gift CardsManage your gift cards across all of your sales channels - both online and off
Product Catalog CategoriesKnow the structure of your products across all of your sales channels
Product Category SetsDefine different category sets for different use cases
Product CatalogEnsuring the right product data is shown on the right sales channels
LocationsDefine locations for your inventory
Location GroupsGroup your locations by region, type or any other grouping your business needs
Payment MethodsDefine payment methods used by transactions for ease in translating them across systems
Shipping MethodsDefine the available shipping methods for your transactions and map them across systems
TransactionsStore and transmit data about orders, sales tickets and other transaction methods.
TimesheetsRecord employee's time entries and move that data between systems
MessagesUse to pass message content between multiple systems