Core Customer Record and Collections - Layout
Core Customer Record*: Add or edit the customer’s information.
Customer Categories: Can contain one or many categories.
Addresses: Can contain one or many customer addresses. Addresses can be designated as primary shipping, primary billing, or both.
Custom Fields: Add values for custom fields that have already been defined under the custom fields data model.
External IDs: The external ID(s) of this record.
Details for each are included below.
Core Customer Record - Edit/Add
Customer Number*: Definable by the user, but is typically the ID in the system of record.
First Name*: Customer first name.
Last Name*: Customer first name.
Email Address*: Customer email address.
Company: Customer company.
Comments: Any notes about the customer.
Category Collection - Edit/Add
This references existing categories created in the Customer Categories data type.
Add Category*: Use the dropdown to select the category to be added.
Address Collection - Add
First Name*: First name for the customer on the address.
Last Name*: Last name for the customer on the address.
Company: Company name for the customer on the address.
Phone Number: Phone number for the customer on the address.
Address 1*: Primary street address for the address.
Address 2: Secondary street address for the address (apt, suite, etc).
City*: City for the address.
State*: State for the address.
Country*: The country for the address.
Zip Code*: Zip code for the address.
Primary Billing: Is this the primary billing address for this customer.
Primary Shipping: Is this the primary shipping address for this customer.
Note: This form expands out from the right on the core customer record.
Address Collection - Edit
First Name*: First name for the customer on the address.
Last Name*: Last name for the customer on the address.
Company: Company name for the customer on the address.
Phone Number: Phone number for the customer on the address.
Address 1*: Primary street address for the address.
Address 2: Secondary street address for the address (apt, suite, etc).
City*: City for the address.
State*: State for the address.
Country*: Country for the address.
Zip Code*: Zip code for the address.
Primary Billing: Is this the primary billing address for this customer.
Primary Shipping: Is this the primary shipping address for this customer.
Custom Fields: Collection of the address record (grandchild collection of the customer record).
External IDS: Collection of External IDs of the address (grandchild collection of the customer record).
Custom Fields Collection - Add/Edit
Key*: Values for custom fields that have already been defined under the custom fields data model. Select one from the dropdown.
Value*: The value for this custom field for this address record.
External ID Collection - Add/Edit
External ID*: The ID for this address in an external connected system.
External System*: The connected system with this ID for this address record.