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Store and transmit data about orders, sales tickets and other transaction methods.

Updated over 8 months ago


Transactions are used to move data pertaining to purchases made by your customers. They have a type and common types are:

  • Orders

  • Deposit Tickets

Orders are one of the most complex data types supports with significant support for child collections.

Transactions are only able to be viewed in the UI, they are unable to be created or modified.

Transaction Record and Collections

  1. Core Transaction Record

  2. Line Items: The line items for the products in the order. Refer to the subscription documentation for if this includes additional items other than products.

  3. Taxes: The different taxable amounts collected by different taxing authorities.

  4. Discounts: Any discounts applied to the transaction.

  5. Payments: The details on the payment method(s) for the order and their status.

  6. Tracking: Shipment tracking information for the order.

  7. Addresses: Billing and shipping addresses associated with the order.

  8. Notes: This can be used for gift notes, personalization, internal notes, etc.

  9. Related Documents: Links to other transitions should there be a hold or deposit, the ERP will likely use this collection for those documents.

  10. Custom Fields: Looks and functions like other custom fields.

  11. External IDs: Looks and functions like other External IDs.

Transaction Record Details

  1. Transaction Number: The transaction number.

  2. Email Address: The email address associated with the transaction.

  3. Type: Type of transaction as defined by the system of record. Allowed values are Order, Shipment, Invoice, Hold, Quote, Ticket, Return and Validated Return.

  4. Status: The fulfilment status of the order.

  5. Discount Amount: The value of all discounts on the transaction.

  6. Tax Amount: The total taxable amount on the transaction.

  7. Shipping Amount: The amount the customer paid to ship the item.

  8. Sub Total: The sub-total amount for the order.

  9. Total: The total amount for the order.

  10. Total Quantity: Total number of items in the order.

  11. Created Date: The date and time that the order was created in the system of record.

  12. Link to the customer record: Click to go to the customer record in

Line Item Collection

  1. Description: Typically the name of the item.

  2. SKU: The SKU for the product in this line item.

  3. Type: The product type from the product catalog (physical or virtual).

  4. Status: The fulfillment status for this product on this order.

  5. Quantity: How many of this product are in this order.

  6. Quantity Shipped: How many of the products in this order have shipped.

  7. Weight: The product weight.

  8. Unit Price: The price per unit in the transaction.

  9. Original Unit Price: The original price per unit.

  10. Extended Price: Total price the customer paid for that line (unit price * quantity)

  11. Discount Percent: The discount percentage given on this product in this order.

  12. Discount Amount: how much this line item was discounted in this order.

  13. Tax Percent: % tax charged on this line.

  14. Estimated Tax Amount: Amount collected in tax for this line.

Discounts can live on the transaction or on a line item.

  1. Custom Fields: Looks and functions like other custom fields (Not pictured).

  2. External IDs: Looks and functions like other External IDs (Not pictured).

  3. Coupon Code: The coupon code used at the line item level.

  4. Discount Method: The discount method (i.e. percent, dollar discount, etc) used for this line item.

  5. Discount Amount: Amount discounted for this line item.

  6. Discount Percent: Discount % for this line item.

Taxes Collection

  1. Authority: The taxation authority for this tax line item (typically the state or federal government)

  2. Amount: Taxed charged

  3. Original Amount: Tax charged originally if different

  4. Tax Percent: The tax rate charged

  5. Custom Fields: Not pictured - looks and functions like other custom fields.

  6. External IDs: Not pictured - looks and functions like other External IDs.

Discounts Collection

Discounts can live on the transaction or on a line item.

  1. Coupon Code: The coupon code used at the line item level.

  2. Discount Method: The discount method (i.e. percent, dollar discount, etc) used for this line item.

  3. Discount Amount: Amount discounted for this line item.

  4. Discount Percent: Discount % for this line item.

Payments Collection

  1. Description: Human friendly description given to the payment by the merchant. Likely the name of the payment processor.

  2. Method: Technical payment method name given by the merchant. Likely Credit Card, Cash, ACH, etc.

  3. Status: The status of the transaction.

  4. Amount: The amount on this payment type for this transaction. If there are multiple payment methods/types for a transaction there will be multiple payment collections in

  5. Custom Fields: Not pictured - looks and functions like other custom fields.

  6. External IDs: Not pictured - looks and functions like other External IDs.

Address Collection

Note: Most orders have 2 addresses, one for billing and one for shipping.

  1. First Name: First name on the address on the order.

  2. Last Name: Last name on the address on the order.

  3. Address 1: Primary street address for the address on the order.

  4. Address 2: Secondary street address for the address (apt, suite, etc) on the order.

  5. City: City for the address on the order.

  6. State: State for the address on the order.

  7. Postal Code: Zip code for the address on the order.

  1. Company: Company on the address on the order.

  2. Shipping Method: How the order was shipped to the customer (from the shipping methods data model)

  3. Shipping Amount: How much the customer paid to ship the order.

  4. Primary Billing: Is this the primary billing address for this order.

  5. Primary Shipping: Is this the primary shipping address for this order.

  6. Custom Fields: Not pictured - looks and functions like other custom fields.

  7. External IDs: Not pictured - looks and functions like other External IDs.

Notes Collection

  1. Created Date Time: Time and date the note was created.

  2. Type: Type of note as defined by the user.

  3. Text: Body of the note.

  4. Actions: View the note.

Detail View

  1. Text: Body of the note.

  2. Type: Type of note as refined by the user.

  3. Is Public: Is this note viewable by the customer.

  4. Created Date: Time and date the note was created.

  5. Custom Fields: Collection of the notes record (not shown).

  6. External IDs: Collection of External IDs of the notes record (not shown).

Related Documents Collection

  1. Transaction Number: The transaction number for the related document.

  2. Type: Type of document as defined by the user.

  3. Date: Date on the document.

  4. Status: Status as defined by the user.

  5. Total: Total amount on the document.

  6. Actions: View related documents.

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